On a soggy day in May, we had a visit to the woods from Countrystride’s Dave Felton & Mark Richards, and Marion Brown (Director of the Rusland Horizons Trust).

The plan was that they were coming for a walk in a bluebell woodland to talk with Marion about the woodlands of the Rusland Valley, and that they would also like a chat with me and Darryl about our crafts. It would take an hour, max, we were told…

Several hours and a lot of good vibes later we were waving our guests off and looking forward to hearing the upcoming podcast – Countrystride Podcast #56 Life in the woods –
working the Rusland Rainforests.

It was really interesting to see how Dave and Mark work together – and their enthusiasm, genuine interest and good natures made for a relaxed interview. The fact that we were expecting a brief chat, as an add on, helped along the free-flowing genuine chat. Neither of us is great at posing for photos or answering questions that feel at all scripted.

Oooh, I just got taken back to a time when we were interviewed for an hour, only to find the recording equipment hadn’t been on and we had to re-enact the whole thing a few days later. Tricky!

Anyway, this one is lovely, it even made us both cry at the end (though we are pretty soft).

Grab a cuppa, get cosy and have a listen to us all enthusing about woodlands in wet and beautiful bluebell woods.