Having been asked by Cumbria Life Magazine to run an article about our life in the woods we asked a few questions & decided it was a good idea. After an initial chat we gleened that it was the ‘Off Grid’ aspect of living they were most interested in, that & the curiosity of how two individuals might both come to the same conclusion that living & working in the woods would be a good idea!

It sparks an interesting thought process when someone asks, ‘what made you do it?’, where did the idea come from? you can get carried away on your path & forget to ask what led you there … & keeps you there. I always seem to answer the question differently & that’s because lots of different factors & experiences led to this path, like tributaries to a river, or branches to a tree trunk. In this interview I cite my travels & connections with nature in Australasia, in previous interviews it’s my mum taking my on outdoor adventures or shooting tin cans in the woods with my dad. These nature connections were initially small, sparse trickles veined through an Urban upbringing, but enough to show me where I felt good & encourage me to seek out more.

And then I met a lovely man, who liked the sound of my dreams & was keen to walk the path with me….. I don’t think he regrets it!

We used to get stuck into all aspects of life & business together, but recently decided running two seperate businesses made sense: Darryl now runs The Natural Charcoal Company making a range of ethically produced charcoal products & I, well, I make this stuff !

The article is on the shelves now until the end of December, then will likely be found in all reputable dentists waiting rooms after that!